Sunday, July 19, 2009

Day 1 of 30 Day Shred

For the sake of full disclosure I am putting all of the messy facts and images of myself here.

At the start of Day 1:

Weight: 152 lbs

Bust: 36 -
Waist: 34 - Abdomen:41 - Hips: 44 - Arms: 11.5 - Thighs: 26

The workout: Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD

This work out kicked my ass! I have to be honest and say that I was not able to put 100% into it this first try because I just didn't have the stamina. I think my mistake was that I did it on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. A light breakfast before would have helped me keep my energy up. I do have to say that I feel really great after doing most of it.

I used 3lb hand weights to start and it was very challenging. I realized quickly just how out of shape I am...and that I hate push-ups on my knees (it HURTS!!) so I need to be able to do them the usually way quickly.

When I look at myself in the mirror, fully clothed, I think that I look nice. I've learned how to dress for the body that I have and to make it look it's best. However, when I look at those pictures above I just feel really sad. Sad that I've let myself get to this point. Sad that I don't think this is sexy for my husband, even though I know he loves me no matter what.

I want to be better than this. I want to look great in my clothes. I want to be in shape and active. This is where it begins.

Wish me luck!

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